MicroClimate designs, develops, and manufactures innovative Personal Protective Equipment.
Our mission is to bring comfort, convenience, and design that people want to wear, rather than being forced to comply.
Many U.S patents granted and pending protect various aspects of AIR by MicroClimate™. These patent applications cover everything from the basic pressure airflow design to the changeable/washable filter fabric. MicroClimate is driven by innovation. MicroClimate will continue to file patent applications to protect the new concepts that come along.
Michael Hall envisioned a new wearable while skiing with his family in the mountains of Utah. As he tried to speak with his children on the lift he could not see their faces. They were obstructed by ski masks, goggles, and other clothing. This equipment quickly gets wet, cold, and gross. He envisioned a new kind of wearable that would create a "micro climate" around the head.