About AIR by MicroClimate™

The Vision

Michael Hall envisioned a new wearable while skiing   with his family in the mountains of Utah.  As he spoke with his children on the lift, he could not see their  faces.  They were obstructed by ski masks, goggles, and other clothing.  This equipment quickly gets wet, cold, and gross.  He envisioned a new kind of wearable that would create a “Micro climate” around the head.

Michael made some early prototypes, fitting them with thermocouples, gas analyzers, and other instrumentation to prove out the ventilation and sealing.  David Hall, Chairman, quickly saw the potential of this technology beyond cold weather applications. He helped the team pivot to include health and air quality considerations.

The Company

AIR by MicroClimate was founded in an innovation hub – Hall Labs – renowned in the fields of energy technology, material science, clean-tech, and manufacturing.  Hall Labs is a modern-day Edison lab with 70 years of track record of developing and deploying new technologies and innovations successfully.  Novatek, Vanderhall, and Medic Life are just a few examples of the portfolio companies that have blossomed from Hall Labs. There have been over 900 patent filings since 1955. In recent years, Hall Labs has seen multiple $100M+ exits in its portfolio companies.

Patents in Process

To date, we have filed 9 U.S. Patent Applications to protect various aspect of the Air™ by Microclimate.  These patent applications cover everything from the basic negative airflow design to the changeable/washable filter fabric.  We have even filed a patent application on using a shroud with the device to provide enhanced user privacy.  We are driven by innovation at Microclimate.  We will continue to file patent applications to protect the new concepts that come along.